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British Victoria Penny with Varieties, Circulation Strikes (1841-1901)

Exact Match
1841 S-3948 REG:0
1841 S-3948 No Colon5
1843 S-3948 REG:1
1843 S-3948 No Colon0
1844 S-39482
1845 S-39481
1846 S-3948 Far Colon1
1846 S-3948 Near Colon0
1847 S-3948 Far Colon1
1847 S-3948 Near Colon1
1848/6 S-39482
1848/7 S-39482
1848 S-39484
1849 S-39481
1851 S-3948 Far Colon1
1851 S-3948 Near Colon0
1853 S-3948 Ornamental Trident4
1853 S-3948 Plain Trident0
1854/3 S-39480
1854 S-3948 Ornamental Trident1
1854 S-3948 Plain Trident3
1855 S-3948 Ornamental Trident3
1855 S-3948 Plain Trident4
1856 S-3948 Ornamental Trident0
1856 S-3948 Plain Trident0
1857 S-3948 Ornamental Trident1
1857 S-3948 Plain Trident2
1858/3 S-39481
1858/6 S-39480
1858/7 S-39483
1858 S-39483
1858 S-3948 no WW1
1859 S-39481
1860/59 S-39480
1860 S-3954 BB Narrow Raised Lines0
1860 S-3954 Incuse Lines0
1860 S-3954 BB Wide Raised Lines0
1860 S-3954 BB/TB0
1860 S-3954 TB/BB0
1860 S-3954 TB, LCW/Shield1
1860 S-3954 LCW/Shield Sig Closed0
1860 S-3954 LCW/Foot0
1860 S-3954 LCW/Shield, Sig Below0
1860 S-3954 w/o Obv Sig, 15 Leaves0
1860 S-3954 w/o Obv Sig, 16 Leaves0
1861 S-3954 Heavy Flan0
1861 S-3954 61 Over 810
1861 S-3954 w/o Sig 15L0
1861 S-3954 w/o Sig 16L0
1861 S-3954 Sig/Trunc LCW/Shield0
1861 S-3954 w/o Obv Sig 15L0
1861 S-3954 Obv 6, Rev D0
1861 S-3954 Sig Below LCW/Shield0
1861 S-3954 Below w/o LCW0
1861 S-3954 Sig Trunc w/o LCW Rev0
1862 S-3954 1862/16620
1862 S-3954 w/o L.C.WYON Obv1
1862 S-3954 L.C.WYON Obv0
1862 S-3954 Small Date0
1863 S-3954 Die Number Below2
1864 S-3954 Plain 40
1864 S-3954 Cross 40
1865/3 S-39541
1865 S-39541
1866 S-39541
1867 S-39541
1868 S-39540
1869 S-39540
1870 S-39541
1871 S-39540
1872 S-39541
1873 S-39540
1874 S-39540
1874 S-3954 Mature Bust0
1874-H S-39550
1874-H S-3955 Mature Bust0
1875 S-39541
1875-H S-39550
1876-H S-3954 Narrow Date1
1876-H S-3954 Wide Date1
1877 S-3954 Wide Date1
1877 S-3954 Narrow Date0
1878 S-39540
1879 S-3954 Raised Veins0
1879 S-3954 Wide Date, Incuse Veins1
1879 S-3954 Narrow Date, Incuse Veins0
1880 S-39540
1881 S-39540
1881-H S-39540
1882 S-39540
1882-H S-39541
1883 S-39541
1884 S-39541
1885 S-39540
1886 S-39542
1887 S-39543
1888 S-39540
1889 S-3954 15 Leaves0
1889 S-3954 14 Leaves2
1890 S-39542
1891 S-39542
1892 S-39541
1893/2 S-39540
1893 S-39541
1894 S-39541
1895 S-39612
1895 S-3961A Low Tide0
1896 S-39612
1897 S-39611
1897 S-3961B High Sea0
1898 S-39613
1899 S-39612
1900 S-39611
1901 S-39618
Disclaimer: We are doing our best to find as many coins as possible to help complete your collection, but these listings are pulled from a variety of sources and may not always be perfect. Please double-check all listings on the original site before purchase. We do not guarantee the authenticity or quality of any collectible that is not certified by Collectors Universe.
Days Listed