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American Innovation Dollars, Proof (2018-2032)

Exact Match
2018-S Washington - Signed 1st Patent21
2018-S Washington - Signed 1st Patent Rev PR2
2019-S Delaware - Classifying the Stars6
2019-S New Jersey - Edison Light Bulb6
2019-S Georgia - Trustees' Garden6
2019-S Pennsylvania - Polio Vaccine4
2019-S Delaware - Classifying the Stars Rev PR12
2019-S Pennsylvania - Polio Vaccine Rev PR2
2019-S New Jersey - Edison Light Bulb Rev PR2
2019-S Georgia - Trustees' Garden Rev PR2
2020-S Connecticut - Gerber Variable Scale Rev PR5
2020-S Connecticut - Gerber Variable Scale0
2020-S Massachusetts - Telephone 1
2020-S Maryland - The Hubble Space Telescope0
2020-S South Carolina - Septima Clark1
2020-S Massachusetts - Telephone Rev PR2
2020-S Maryland - The Hubble Space Telescope Rev PR0
2020-S South Carolina - Septima Clark Rev PR 1
2021-S New Hampshire - Video Game Rev PR5
2021-S Virginia - Chesapeake Bay Tunnel 4
2021-S New York - Erie Canal4
2021-S New Hampshire - Video Game1
2021-S North Carolina - 1st Public University2
2021-S North Carolina - 1st Public University Rev PR4
2021-S Virginia - Chesapeake Bay Tunnel Rev PR4
2021-S New York - Erie Canal Rev PR3
2022-S Vermont - Snowboarding6
2022-S Tennessee - Tennessee Valley Authority5
2022-S Rhode Island - Reliance Yacht 6
2022-S Kentucky - Bluegrass Music9
2022-S Kentucky - Bluegrass Music Rev PR4
2022-S Tennessee - Tennessee Valley Authority Rev PR 5
2022-S Rhode Island - Reliance Yacht Rev PR5
2022-S Vermont - Snowboarding Rev PR4
2023-S OH Underground Railroad0
2023-S LA The Higgins Boat0
2023-S IN Auto Industry0
2023-S MS 1st Human Lung Transplant0
2023-S IN Auto Industry Rev PR0
2023-S MS 1st Human Lung Transplant Rev PR0
2023-S LA The Higgins Boat Rev PR0
2023-S OH Underground Railroad Rev PR0
2024-S MO George Washington Carver0
2024-S IL Steel Plow0
2024-S AL Saturn V 0
2024-S ME DC Defibrillator0
2024-S IL Steel Plow Rev PR0
2024-S AL Saturn V Rev PR0
2024-S MO George Washington Carver Rev PR0
2024-S ME DC Defibrillator Rev PR0
Disclaimer: We are doing our best to find as many coins as possible to help complete your collection, but these listings are pulled from a variety of sources and may not always be perfect. Please double-check all listings on the original site before purchase. We do not guarantee the authenticity or quality of any collectible that is not certified by Collectors Universe.
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