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Seychelles Islands Gold Rupees Complete Set (1976-present)

Exact Match
2012 10 Rupees Pitcher Plan0
2013 10 Rupees Ghandi0
1983 20 Rupees 5th Anniv Central Bank0
1983 25 Rupees F.A.O.0
1997 25 Rupees Diana0
1997 25 Rupees Diana & William0
1997 25 Rupees Diana & Child0
1998 25 Rupees Diana0
2000 25 Rupees Millenium0
2000 25 Rupees 100th Birthday Queen Mother0
2011 25 Rupees 35 Years Independence0
2011 25 Rupees 35th Anniv Independence0
2013 25 Rupees Birth Prince George0
2013 25 Rupees Ghandi0
1994-PM 50 Rupees Milkweed Butterfly0
1997 50 Rupees Olympics Divers0
1988-PM 100 Rupees 10th Anniv National Bank0
1994-PM 100 Rupees 10th Anniv Central Bank0
1995 100 Rupees Olympics Sailing0
1995 100 Rupees Queen Mother0
1997 100 Rupees Diana1
1997 100 Rupees Diana & William0
1997 100 Rupees Diana & Child0
1998 100 Rupees Diana0
1999-PM 100 Rupees Royal Wedding0
2000 100 Rupees 100th Birthday Queen Mother0
1993 250 Rupees Magpie Robin0
1993 250 Rupees Milkweed Butterfly0
1994-PM 250 Rupees Milkweed Butterfly0
1996-PM 250 Rupees Milkweed Butterfly0
1996 250 Rupees Flycatcher0
1997 250 Rupees Diana0
1997 250 Rupees Diana & William0
1997 250 Rupees Diana & Child0
1998 250 Rupees Diana0
2005 250 Rupees Pope John Paul II0
2005 250 Rupees Pope Benedict XVI0
1985 500 Rupees Decade for Women0
1990 500 Rupees Expo '90 Osaka0
1976 1000 Rupees Declaration of Independence0
1986 1000 Rupees 10th Anniv Independence0
1987-PM 1000 Rupees 10th Anniv Liberation0
1988-PM 1000 Rupees 100th Anniv of Central Bank0
1993 1000 Rupees Central Banking0
1978 1500 Rupees Flycatcher0
Disclaimer: We are doing our best to find as many coins as possible to help complete your collection, but these listings are pulled from a variety of sources and may not always be perfect. Please double-check all listings on the original site before purchase. We do not guarantee the authenticity or quality of any collectible that is not certified by Collectors Universe.
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