Browse by:

Swiss Commemoratives 5 Francs, Proof (1974-2003)

Exact Match
1974 100th Anniversary - Revision of the Constitution0
1975 European Monument Protection Year1
1976 500th Anniversary - Battle of Murten0
1977 150th Anniversary - Death of Johann Pestalozzi0
1978 150th Anniversary , Birth of Henry Dunant0
1979 Centennial - Birth of Albert Einstein/Portrait0
1979 Centennial - Birth of Albert Einstein/Formula0
1980 Ferdinand Hodler - Painter0
1981 500th Anniversary - Stans Convention of 14810
1982 100th Anniversary - Gotthard Railway0
1983 100th Anniversary - Birth of Ernest Ansermet0
1984 Centennial - Birth of Auguste Piccard0
1985 European Year of Music0
1986 B 500th Anniversary - Battle of Sempach0
1987 B 100th Anniversary - Birth of Le Corbusier0
1988 B Olympics - Dove and Rings0
1989 B General Guisan - 1939 Mobilization0
1990 B Gottfreid Keller0
1999 B Wine Festival0
2000 B Basler Fasnacht0
2000 B Swiss National Coinage - 150 Years0
2001 B Zurcher Sechselauten0
2002 B Escalade 1602-20020
2003 B Chalandamarz0
Disclaimer: We are doing our best to find as many coins as possible to help complete your collection, but these listings are pulled from a variety of sources and may not always be perfect. Please double-check all listings on the original site before purchase. We do not guarantee the authenticity or quality of any collectible that is not certified by Collectors Universe.
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