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Mexican Silver 50 Centavos, Circulation Strikes (1869-1895)

Exact Match
1869-Go S0
1869-Mo C0
1870/780-Pi G0
1870-Go S0
1870-Mo C0
1870-Pi G0
1870-Pi O0
1870-Zs H0
1871-Cn P0
1871-Go S0
1871-Mo C0
1871-Mo M0
1871-Pi O0
1871-Pi O/G0
1871-Zs H0
1872/1-Go S0
1872/1-Mo M0
1872-Go S0
1872-Mo M0
1872-Pi O0
1872-Pi O/G0
1872-Zs H0
1873-Cn P0
1873-Do M/P0
1873-Do P0
1873-Go S0
1873-Mo M0
1873-Pi H0
1873-Pi O0
1873-Zs H0
1874/2-Mo B0
1874/2-Mo B/M0
1874/3-Mo B/M0
1874/3-Mo M0
1874-Cn P0
1874-Do M0
1874-Go S0
1874-Ho R0
1874-Mo B0
1874-Pi H/O0
1874-Zs H0
1875/3-Pi H0
1875/4-Cn P0
1875/4-Ho R0
1875-As L0
1875-Cn P0
1875-Do H0
1875-Do M0
1875-Go S0
1875-Ho R0
1875-Mo B0
1875-Pi H0
1875-Zs A0
1876/5-As L0
1876/5-Do M0
1876/5-Go S0
1876/5-Ho F/R0
1876/5-Mo B0
1876/5-Zs A0
1876-A L0
1876-Cn P0
1876-Do M0
1876-Ho F0
1876-Mo B0
1876-Pi H1
1876-Zs A0
1876-Zs S0
1877/2-Mo M0
1877/6-Cn G0
1877-As L0
1877-Cn G0
1877-Do P0
1877-Go S0
1877-Ho F0
1877-Mo M0
1877-Pi H0
1877-Zs S0
1878/7-Mo M0
1878/7-Zs S0
1878-As L0
1878-Cn D0
1878-Cn G0
1878-Cn/Mo D0
1878-Go S0
1878-Mo M0
1878-Pi H0
1878-Zs S0
1879/7-Pi H0
1879/8-Go S0
1879-As L0
1879-Cn D0
1879-Cn D/G0
1879-Go S0
1879-Mo M0
1879-Pi H0
1879-Zs S0
1880/70-Ho A0
1880/8-Cn D0
1880-As L0
1880-Cn D0
1880-Do P0
1880-Go S0
1880-Ho A0
1880-Mo M0
1880-Pi H0
1880-Zs S0
1881/0-Cn D0
1881/0-Mo M0
1881/79-Go S0
1881-As L0
1881-Cn D0
1881-Cn G0
1881-Do P0
1881-Go S0
1881-Ho A0
1881-Mo M0
1881-Pi H0
1881-Zs S0
1882/1-Mo M0
1882/1-Zs S0
1882-Cn D0
1882-Cn G0
1882-Do C0
1882-Go S0
1882-Ho A0
1882-Pi H0
1882-Zs S0
1883/2-Go B/S0
1883/2-Mo M0
1883-CHa M0
1883-Cn D0
1883-Go B0
1883-Pi H 8/80
1883-Pi H0
1883-Zs S0
1883-Zs/Za S0
1884/2-Do C0
1884/3-Zs S0
1884-As L0
1884-CHa M0
1884-Do C0
1884-Go B/S0
1884-Mo M0
1884-Pi H0
1884-Zs S0
1885/0-Pi H0
1885/4-Cn M/H1
1885/3-Pi H0
1885/4-Go R/B0
1885/4-Pi H0
1885/4-Zs S0
1885-As/Ho L0
1885-CHa M0
1885-Do B0
1885-Do B/P0
1885-Go R0
1885-Mo M0
1885-Pi C0
1885-Pi H0
1885-Zs S0
1886/1-Pi C0
1886/1-Pi R0
1886/5-Go R/B0
1886/5-Go R/S0
1886/5-Mo M0
1886-Ca M0
1886-Cn M0
1886-Cn M/G0
1886-Do C0
1886-Go R0
1886-Mo M0
1886-Pi C0
1886-Pi R0
1886-Zs Z0
1887/6-Mo M0
1887-Ca M0
1887-Cn M0
1887-Do C0
1887-Go R0
1887-Mo M0
1887-Pi R0
1887-Zs Z0
1888-As L0
1888-Cn M0
1888-Ho G0
1888-Mo M0
1892-Cn M0
1894-Ho G0
1895-Ho G0
Disclaimer: We are doing our best to find as many coins as possible to help complete your collection, but these listings are pulled from a variety of sources and may not always be perfect. Please double-check all listings on the original site before purchase. We do not guarantee the authenticity or quality of any collectible that is not certified by Collectors Universe.
Days Listed