Browse by:

New Zealand 5 Silver Dollars, Proof (1990-Present)

Exact Match
1991 Rugby World0
1992 25th Anniv. Decimal Currency0
1993 40th Anniv. Coronation0
1993 Sea Lion0
1994 Queen Mother & Infant0
1994 Downhill Skier0
1995 James Clark Ross0
1995 Tui Bird0
1996 Kaka Parrot0
1996 Bridge & Boats0
1996 Ship & Map0
1997 Saddleback Bird0
1997 Golden Wedding Anniv.0
1997 Cathedral0
1998 Albatross0
1998 Four Stars0
1998 Fleece0
1998 Wheat Sheaf0
1998 Crossed Hammers0
1998 Lamach Castle0
1999 Morepork Owl1
1999 City with Ship0
2000 Cormorant0
2001 Pigeon on Branch0
2001 Queen & Girls0
2002 Auckland Sky Tower0
2002 Dolphins0
2002 Queen's Jubilee0
2002 America's Cup0
2003 Kokopu Fish0
2003 50th Anniv. Coronation0
2004 Taiko0
2005 Penguin0
2006 Falcon0
2007 Tuatara0
2008 Hamilton's Frog0
2009 Kakapo0
2010 Dolphin0
2010 Heitiki0
2010(2009) World Cup0
2011 Yellow Eyed Penguin0
2012 Fairy Tern0
2010 Colt M160
2013 Short-tailed Bat0
2016 Haast's Eagle0
2017 Laughing Owl1
2018 Moa1
Disclaimer: We are doing our best to find as many coins as possible to help complete your collection, but these listings are pulled from a variety of sources and may not always be perfect. Please double-check all listings on the original site before purchase. We do not guarantee the authenticity or quality of any collectible that is not certified by Collectors Universe.
Days Listed