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All Million Dollar Coin Club Coins

Exact Match
1796 1/2C No Pole (MS67RB)0
1793 Chain 1C AMERI. S-1 (SP65)0
1793 Chain 1C Periods S-4 (SP67)8
1793 Wreath 1C Vine & Bars S-5 (SP68RD)0
1793 Liberty Cap 1C (MS64BN)3
1795 Reeded Edge 1C (VG10)0
1799 1C (MS61)3
1799/8 1C (AU58)2
1913 Liberty 5C (PR55-66)0
1792 H10C (SP-MS67)0
1870-S H10C (MS64)0
1873-CC 10C No Arrows (MS65)0
1894-S 10C (PR64-66)0
1796 25C (MS67)2
1796 50C 16 Stars (MS66)1
1797 50C (MS65+)0
1794 $1 (MS66+-MS66)0
1795 Flowing Hair $1 (MS66)7
1801 $1 (PR63-64)0
1803 $1 (PR66CAM)0
1804 $1 (PR30-68)0
1866 No Motto Dollar J-540 (PR63-64)0
1870-S $1 (AU53-MS62)1
1885 Trade $1 (PR60-66)0
1893-S $1 (MS67)9
1796 $2-1/2 No Stars (MS65)0
1796 $2-1/2 Stars (MS65)0
1808 $2-1/2 (MS65)0
1870-S $3 (EF40)0
1879 $4 Coiled Hair (PR67)0
1880 $4 Coiled Hair (PR65-66CAM)0
1820 $5 Curved 2, Lg Letters (PR65)0
1821 $5 (PR65)0
1822 $5 (VF35-EF45)0
1825/1 $5 (PR65)0
1825/4 $5 (MS63)0
1826 $5 (PR67)0
1828 $5 (PR65)0
1829 $5 Large Size (MS66)0
1829 $5 Large Size (PR67)0
1829 $5 Small Size (MS65)0
1829 $5 Small Size (PR66)0
1831 $5 (PR65)0
1833 $5 (PR67)0
1844-O $5 (SP65SM)0
1854-S $5 (EF40-AU58)0
1795 $10 13 Leaves (MS65-66)0
1804 $10 (PR61-PR65DC)0
1838 $10 (PR65)0
1839 $10 (PR66DCAM-67DCAM)0
1844-O $10 (SP64BM)0
1920-S $10 (MS67)1
1849 $20 (PR64)0
1854-S $20 (SP66BM)0
1856-O $20 (SP63BM)0
1861 $20 Paquet Reverse (MS61-67)0
1907 $20 Ex High Relief (PR67-69)0
1921 $20 (MS65-66)0
1927-D $20 (MS64-67)0
1933 $20 (MS64-65)0
1652 NE Three Pence (VF30 holed)0
1783 Nova Costellatio '5' Copper (PR64)0
1783 Nova Costellatio '100' Silver Silver Deco Edge (PR65)0
1783 Nova Costellatio '100' Silver Silver Plain Edge (PR64)0
1783 Nova Costellatio '500' Silver Type 1 (PR64)0
1783 Nova Costellatio '500' Silver Type 2 (PR64)0
1783 Nova Costellatio '1000' Silver (PR64)0
1787 Brasher Doubloon Gold Piece (VF20-MS64)0
1787 Brasher Half Doubloon (AU50)0
"1742" (1786) Lima Style Doubloon (EF40)0
1792 '$10' Washington Large Bust Gold (AU55)0
1776 Continental Dollar CURRENCY EG FECIT Silver (MS63)0
1849 $5 Cincinnati Mining (EF40)0
1849 $10 Pacific Company (AU50)0
1854 $20 Kellogg & Co. (SP69)0
1851 $50 Humbert RE .887 (PR64)0
1792 Silver Center Cent J-1 (MS63BN-64BN)0
1792 Silver Center Cent Without Plug J-1a (SP63RB)0
1792 Birch Cent J-3 (AU58)0
1792 Birch Cent J-4 (MS65BN)0
1792 Birch Cent J-5 (AU50)0
1792 Birch Cent "G*W.PT." J-6 (MS64)0
1792 Half Disme Copper J-8 (Grade 40)0
1792 Quarter Copper J-12 (MS64)0
1792 Quarter White Metal J-13 (MS50-64)0
1860 $20 Paquet Reverse J-272a (PR64)0
1865 $20 J-452 (PR64-65)0
1872 $20 Amazonian Pattern J-1250 (PR64)0
1877 $50 Pattern J-1546 (PR67)0
1877 $50 Pattern J-1548 (PR67)0
1906 $20 Pattern J-1773 (PR63)0
1907 $20 Indian Head Pattern J-1776 (PR69)0
1907 $20 Saint Gaudens Ex High Relief Double Thick (PR69)0
1866 No Motto Quarter J-536 (PR63)0
1866 No Motto Half J-538 (PR63)0
1943-D 1C Copper (MS64)0
1798 $5 Draped Bust, Small Eagle (AU55)0
1815 $5 (MS65)0
1907 $10 (PR67-68)0
1872 $1 Amazonian Pattern J-1224 (PR66)0
1872 $2-1/2 Amazonian Pattern J-1230 (PR66)0
1872 $3 Amazonian Pattern J-1235 (PR67)0
1872 $5 Amazonian Pattern J-1240 (PR65)0
1872 $10 Amazonian Pattern J-1245 (PR65)0
1874 Bickford $10 Gold Pattern J-1373 (PR64-PR65DC)0
1879 $20 Gold Pattern J-1643 (PR63)0
1832 $5, 12 Stars (MS63)0
1792 10C J-10 (MS-64)0
1870-CC $20 (MS-50-55)0
1875 $10 (MS53)0
1924-S $20 (MS67)0
1884 T$1 Trade (PR64-66)0
Disclaimer: We are doing our best to find as many coins as possible to help complete your collection, but these listings are pulled from a variety of sources and may not always be perfect. Please double-check all listings on the original site before purchase. We do not guarantee the authenticity or quality of any collectible that is not certified by Collectors Universe.
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