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Spain 5 Pesetas, Circulation Strikes (1869-1899)

Exact Match
1869-SN M0
1870-SN M0
1871-SD M0
1871-DE M (1873)0
1871-DE M (1874)0
1871-DE M (1875)0
1875-DE M1
1876-DE M0
1877-DE M0
1878-DE M0
1878-EM M0
1879-EM M0
1881-MS M0
1882-MS M (1881)0
1882/1-MS M0
1882-MS M1
1883-MS M0
1884-MS M0
1885-MS M0
1885-MS M (1886)0
1885-MS M (1887)0
1885-MP M (1887)0
1888-MS M0
1888-MP M0
1889-MP M0
1890-MP M0
1890-PG M0
1891-PG M0
1892-PG M KM-6890
1892-PG M KM-7000
1893-PG L0
1893-PG V0
1894-PG V0
1896-PG V0
1897-SG V0
1898-SG V0
1899-SG V0
Disclaimer: We are doing our best to find as many coins as possible to help complete your collection, but these listings are pulled from a variety of sources and may not always be perfect. Please double-check all listings on the original site before purchase. We do not guarantee the authenticity or quality of any collectible that is not certified by Collectors Universe.
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